Friday, January 1, 2010

I'm trying to set up a website with dozens of photos -- unedited ... many bad photos and no explations. Just try to figure it out from the blog and a few signs along the way. Title when I've accomplished this.

This picture is of the decorated tree outside the
Church of the Nativity. (see comment section for this day.)

Please read the last three days. I haven't had accept to wifi, and it has delayed my journaling.


  1. Father Stan,
    I am enjoying your blog. You are seeing so many wonderful things. So many places that would be incredible to see with my own eye! I think I would be experiencing many "goose-bumps" and tears of wonder and awe. I am hoping you are all feeling better and can continue enjoying the trip. I would love rising at those early hours to attend mass--I work at Emily's Bakery and must be out the door most mornings about 4:30--sometimes 3:00. The moon was gorgeous yesterday a.m. I will keep you in my prayers!
    -Renee Kasel

  2. Hello Travelers and Pilgrims,

    I too have been traveling this week to visit family and have had trouble getting online to follow your travels. After returning home yesterday I enjoyed catching up on all of your experiences: religious,archeological,atmospheric,astronomical, historical and medical. And while you were at 1300' below sea level, I was attending noon prayer at a Trappist monastery at 5200' in the mountains of Utah - a difference of 6500'!

    Our New Year's "Day" moon was also full but in a bitterly cold winter night sky. It is well below 0 this morning. And despite the competition from it's bright light, Orion was clearly visible.
    I'm curious if there are Christmas lights displayed outside of Bethlehem. Ours are still up and illuminating even the deepest interior branches of the tree.

    Sounds like you are all having a trip of many meanings and memories. Safe travels, hydrate
    (with clean water-or- your distress may also be caused by bacteria on salads and raw veggies)
    and be well.
    Cathy Stepanek
    P.S. I hope the Armenians and Orthodox aren't getting into fist fights at the tomb like they did last year!

  3. They weren't fighting at the tomb, but maybe at the cave of the nativity! yes, there are Christmas lights on the trees outside the Church of the Nativity. pictures to follow.
